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Midel 7131 synthetic ester transformer oil

Customer: CESC Ltd
Location: Kolkata, India

Application: Distribution transformers

Date: 2016

CESC Limited is a power utility in the Kolkata region of India. More than a century old, it handles the entire span of electricity business including Generation, Transmission and Distribution. It serves approximately 3 million consumers including domestic, industrial and commercial users. CESC operates on a wide range of assets in power generation and distribution. There are more than 8,000 distribution transformers in the system, the majority of which are rated between 315 and 500 KVA. CESC has been installing Dry Type transformers in densely populated areas since 1990. Today, around 25% of those assets are Dry Type Transformers. As an alternative to fire prone mineral oil transformers and costly dry type transformers, CESC is considering fire safe and environment-friendly ester oil filled transformers as a possible solution.


Location – Plastic factory in densely populated area (recently installed)
Retrofilling: On-site
Rating of Transformer – 400kva/11/6kV
Application – Fire safety, environmental protection and high temperature operation


Location – Manufacturing workshop, close proximity to a school
Retrofilling: On-site
Rating of Transformer – 400kva/11/6kV
Application – Fire safety, environmental protection and high temperature operation

Why CESC chose retrofilling with MIDEL 7131: 


MIDEL 7131 has a much higher fire point (316°C) than mineral oil (170°C). Replacing mineral oil greatly enhances fire safety – a critical consideration in populated or sensitive areas.


Synthetic organic ester is officially classified as readily and fully biodegradable.


Ester fluids are much more tolerant of moisture ingress than mineral oil. In areas prone to wet conditions, retrofilling transformers with ester fluids will lead to increased reliability.


After rigorous testing by CESC, the two transformers are now in full operation and contributing to the reliable service that CESC is committed to providing to its customers in Kolkata.  Mr. Nitin Satija of M&I Materials commented “We worked very closely with CESC officials to demonstrate how MIDEL 7131 could provide enhanced levels of fire safety and environmental protection for transformers. In addition, the proposal made financial sense, as the transformers will now have a longer operational life and will perform at a higher level than before.”

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