MIDEL approvals
Underwriters Laboratory (UL® Classified) – EOUV Dielectric Medium Classification for MIDEL 7131, MIDEL eN 1204 and MIDEL eN 1215
MIDEL 7131, MIDEL eN 1204 and MIDEL eN 1215 liquids all carry the globally recognised UL® classification – EOUV dielectric medium and bear the UL Classified Mark, the recognised and trusted symbol for product safety and assurance.
Underwriters Laboratories partners with manufacturers to provide safe products to consumers through UL testing, certification and follow-up audits.
Factory Mutual (FM®) Global – FM Approved Less Flammable Transformer Fluid – MIDEL 7131, MIDEL eN 1204 and MIDEL eN 1215 liquids are FM Approved Less-Flammable Transformer Fluids.
The use of an FM Approved Less Flammable Fluid represents a low fire hazard, can significantly reduce the extent of damage in a fire and can reduce installation costs. FM Approved liquid-filled transformers can be installed indoors.
FM approval testing is considered to be among the most rigorous in the world.
SGS BASEEFA, UK – ATEX Certification
MIDEL 7131 transformer insulation liquid complies with all the essential Health & Safety requirements relating to the design and construction of components for use in equipment or protective system intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (Directive 94/9/EC).
REACH Registered – MIDEL 7131 REACH registered
The Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulations came into force in June 2007. These regulations require all manufacturers and importers of chemicals in the EU to register their substance with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).
MIDEL 7131 has been registered in the highest tonnage band of >1000 tonnes / year. Our MIDEL 7131 REACH registration number is 01-2120104110-86-0000.
Successful REACH registration means that all our customers can be assured that MIDEL 7131 will continue to be available for supply, with no limitations in volume due to the REACH regulations. Our European customers can also be assured that they have no need to carry out costly REACH registrations to purchase and use MIDEL 7131.
MIDEL eN 1204 and MIDEL eN 1215 natural ester liquids are both exempt from REACH registration.
OECD – MIDEL 7131, MIDEL eN 1204 and MIDEL eN 1215 liquids all classified as “Readily Biodegradable”
Specifically the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD 301F Manometric Respirometry Test is a test of the degradability of a substance and is used for the assessment of the potential environmental hazard or environmental risk of a substance.
MIDEL 7131, MIDEL eN 1204 and MIDEL eN 1215 easily meet the criteria for classification as “Readily Biodegradable”.
In addition to being classified as Readily Biodegradable, MIDEL 7131, MIDEL eN 1204 and MIDEL eN 1215 also meet the Fully Biodegradable standard of IEC 61039.
MIDEL 7131 conforms to IEC 61099 (2010)
MIDEL 7131 conforms to the IEC 61099 (2010) standard “Specifications for unused synthetic organic esters for electrical purposes”.
MIDEL eN 1204 and MIDEL eN 1215 conform to IEC 62770 (2013)
Both MIDEL eN liquids conform to IEC 62770 – Fluids for electrotechnical applications – Unused natural esters for transformers and similar electrical equipment (2013).
MIDEL eN 1204 and MIDEL eN 1215 conform to ASTM D6871
Both MIDEL natural ester liquids conform to the requirements of ASTM D6871-03(2008) Standard Specification for Natural (Vegetable Oil) Ester Fluids Use in Electrical Apparatus.