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Midel 7131 synthetic ester transformer oil

Customer: Azerenergylle
Location: Baku, Azerbaijan

Application: Underground Power Transformer
Highest Voltage: 110kV
Rating: 80MVA

Date: March 2012

When the country of Azerbaijan won the right to host the Eurovision song contest, by winning in 2011, they needed a new arena to hold the event in and started to construct the Baku Crystal Hall, under very tight time constraints to be ready for the following spring of 2012. The new arena was designed to the highest standards, utilising modern building materials and methods, to hold a capacity crowd of 25,000 spectators. The design was innovative, giving a crystalline appearance by the use of a shell membrane facade and it is also equipped with a total of 64,400 LED lamps to provide controllable lighting for any type of event.

A key part of the infrastructure for this new arena was a new electrical substation, which was built underground. The contract to build this substation was won by ABB and vital to being able to construct the facility was the need for a fire safe power transformer. After looking at the available solutions the decision was taken to use a MIDEL 7131 filled unit, in order to provide the necessary fire safe solution. The transformer itself was designed and built by ABB Oy based in Vaasa, Finland, who have a long history of using MIDEL 7131, for a wide variety of projects.

The substation was successfully delivered on schedule and the arena was completed in April 2012, with the first event being the Eurovision Song Contest in May 2012.

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